The Human Ken Doll Shared His Picture Before 58th Plastic Surgery

World is filled with various kinds of people, some of them have a very unimaginable obsession. One of these people is Brazilian born Rodrigo Alves. Rodrigo Alves is popularly known as Human Ken Doll. He is obsessed with cosmetic surgery.
This man has so far gone through 58 cosmetic surgeries in order to become Human Ken Doll; he was having this kind of surgery since he was 17 years old.  So far, he had cosmetic surgeries such as butt lifts, chest implants, nose jobs, hair implants and a procedure to get an artificial eight-pack. As of now, his cosmetic surgery has cost him $588,000! Isn’t that too much?
According to Alves, society is pretty wrong to level plastic surgery as a taboo. In order to prove society wrong and show the people that there are multiple benefits of changing one’s appearance drastically, he has gone through these cosmetic surgeries. He believes that there are much more than potential risks.
According to the reports available, the Human Ken Doll had a very ordinary childhood. One thing that keeps him apart from the rest of the boys is his age. Unlike other boys, he became obsessed with the Disney Princess in his favorite animated movies. He was so obsessed that he wanted to become a real life version of the character.
According to Alves, he was born in the wrong body. It is the reason; he had been trying to reverse that. He has spent his entire adulthood is trying to do so. For last 17 years, he has made himself in what he thinks would be the real life version of the Ken doll. Most of the people believe that the look is terrifyingly unnatural, but he doesn’t care about these opinions and has been doing what it takes to change his look.
He said, “I get a lot of attention due to my artificial looks, but I finally love myself and that is the most important thing of all.”
He further stated, “People may think I am crazy, I am not. I have had psychological help. I was born in the wrong body.”
When his family saw him for the first time, when he already had several surgeries, they were very shocked. They believed insisted that he sees a therapist. Alves was in therapy for a year. After the therapy, he was diagnosed with Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Body Dysmorphic Disorder is a condition, which gives the patient a distorted perception of their physical appearance.
Alves was bullied as a child for his physical appearance at the school. Kids used to make fun of him, for supposedly having a wide nose. Once, bullied pushed his face into the urinal. Alves first plastic surgery happened when he was 17 years-old. He went a procedure to remove extra tissue in his chest.
Alves was never happy with his figure. That’s why he had 16 liposuction surgeries. The image shows him before the liposuction surgeries.
Want to know about the man, who is called as The ‘Human Ken Doll’. You can check out this interview, where he revealed everything.


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