9 Things You Should Consider Before Buying A New Phone

Cell phones nowadays have turned into a fundamental part of our lives. We use them for communication, taking pictures, saving accounts on cloud, web browsing and even as a power bank to charge different cell phones. In any case, at any point, with the wide collection of cell phones accessible in the market, it is never simple to choose which one to pick for your new phone. It is constantly intense choosing the one that may suit our necessities best. Here’s a list of things you need to consider before you chose to purchase your next new phone.


Body is about the sturdiness of a cell phone. The whole handset market is to a great extent based on two sorts of fabricates – metal and plastic. There are some that even have glass-covered boards, however, those are extremely limited. In case you are one of those inclined to drop your cell phone, it’s best to go for a metal or a plastic constructed handset. These can maintain drops from 2-3 feet, while the glass-based handset is certain to break. Your new phone will stay new for a long time.


The size and resolution of phone rely upon how you utilize your new phone. If you regularly stream videos, edit photographs or videos or download and see films, at that point a cell phone display extending from 5.5-inch to 6-inch, full-HD or QHD display should be sufficient for you. Anything bigger than a 6-inch show makes the handset hard to carry, as well as hard to bear. In case you are a consistent client and to a great extent use the cell phone for checking messages, visiting and browsing web-based social networking applications, at that point anything from 5-inch to 5.5-inch HD or full-HD show handsets is great.


The processing power of cell phone differs starting with one gadget then onto the next relying upon a few factors, for example, OS variant, UI, bloatware and the sky’s the limit from there. In case you are a substantial user who needs to edit pictures/videos/reports on the web, play overwhelming games, stream videos or regularly use applications in split screen mode, at that point cell phones with Qualcomm Snapdragon 652 or Snapdragon 820/821 should make multitasking easy for you. Light users will even be fine if their new phones accompany MediaTek processors.


Simply having more number of megapixels does not imply that your new phone camera is better. A few details, for example, camera gap, pixel size, self-adjust and more are basic too. A 16MP back camera shows improvement over a 12MP camera. Same theory goes for the front looking camera. More the number of pixels means better the size of the picture, which turns out to be sharper when seen on a little screen. A photographer may need a camera with 12 or 16MP sensor under f/2.0 or bring down a gap for fast shots even in low lights. An easygoing shooter can pass by even with an 8MP 0r 12MP camera in their new phone.


The battery utilization varies from user to user depending upon the way he/she utilizes their new phone. In case you are a heavy user and work on applications, play various games, stream videos and all the more at that point run for cell phones with no less than 3500mAh battery or above. If you are a normal or light user, handset with 3000mAh battery would be adequate to keep running for an entire day.


UI and the OS version too are key elements to consider while buying a new phone. These are the interfaces that one would need to collaborate with each opportunity to get to anything, so it ought to be simple and basic. For the most essential and pure Android encounter, you can purchase Motorola handsets, Nexus/Pixel cell phones or even Android One gadgets. However extraordinary interfaces like ZenUI, Xperia UI, Samsung TouchWiz, EMUI and others offer all the more yet clever elements to sort applications and more choices in styles the organization figures users would find more attractive.


A major part of the cell phone’s storage is detracted from the OS and the applications the gadget comes pre-installed with. A 16GB/32GB/64GB or more don’t generally accompany correct said space. If you prefer keeping less number of applications on your gadgets, you can go for 32GB storage. Users who like to keep a higher number of applications can go for 64GB or 128GB variations. You can likewise purchase a 16GB model that backs microSD card on your new phone


Most cell phones nowadays have begun accompanying additional security components, for example, unique mark sensor or even iris sensors. These are not simply to support/open a handset but rather as a secret key to get to specific videos, reports or applications. While a unique finger impression sensor can be found in even a Rs 5,000 cell phone, gadgets with iris scanners are as yet few. It’s desirable to purchase a new phone with these additional security highlights since the vast majority of us have personal data on new phones nowadays.


Speakers and the nature of sound leaving the new phone can be an imperative parameter for the people who depend on heavy video streaming or video downloading. If you like entertainment with you all the time, purchase a new phone that has front looking speakers. This gives clear sound even while holding the cell phone in scene mode. In case you don’t enjoy video spilling or video conferencing much, at that point a customary handset with base terminating speakers should be okay. Those with speakers put at the back are additionally fine too.


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