Girl Sent Nude Pics To Her Boyfriend Which Landed Her In An Abusive Marriage

Circumstantial tragedy is not uncommon in the world, where one action of yours can trigger a series of events which can alter your life for all eternity. There are times when people jump from the frying pan into the fire and this is one such story of an unfortunate girl.

It all started when a 20-year-old dental student from Bengaluru sent her nude pictures to her then boyfriend on WhatsApp in 2015. Little did she know that the person she is trusting blindly would be the cause of her misery later in life.

The boyfriend of the girl forwarded the pictures to his best friend who in turn shared them in a group. Eventually, the people who were part of the group started harassing her.

As reported by Times Of India, one of the members of that group who was allegedly a class 10 dropout acted as her “saviour” and informed the girl that her nude pictures were being circulated. He even claimed that he had beaten up several men and compelled them to delete the pictures.

The man then expressed his love for her and she reciprocated. Both of them eloped from home and got married against the wishes of the family of the girl.
However, the woman has now knocked on the doors of, Vanitha Sahayavani, a women’s helpline at the Police Commissioner’s office seeking divorce claiming that she is in an abusive marriage.

Allegedly, her husband started beating and abusing her just a few months after marriage. The 30-year-old businessman forced her to bathe with cold water during winters, forced her into having sex with him, held her captive in her own house and used to beat her up mercilessly.

When the torture got too much to bear, the girl ran away from their house in Yeshwantpur and sought refuge in her parents’ house. As she did not want to lodge a police complaint regarding the matter, she has been taking counselling with her husband.
However, the counselling is not helping much as the husband has threatened to post her nude pictures online and even commit suicide if she does not take him back.

The counsellor has also reported that in the sessions, the man has threatened to consume poison once and in another he said that he would jump from the seventh floor of the police headquarters.


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