How To Find And Choose The Right Mentor

People often say that finding a mentor is essential as an entrepreneur. So, here if we take an example of an entrepreneurship. While many people within the realm of entrepreneurship are willing to be helpful, there is a big difference between someone who answers a few questions for you and someone who is genuinely interested and invested not specifically monetarily but in both your company and in you. To me, the most important aspect of a mentor is the latter of the two; your mentor must have a vested interest in learning more about you and what you wish to do to change the world with your new company. So, that’s a little way by which we can find a mentor. Here are few ways mentioned to find and choose the right mentor


find a mentor
A mentor can be a life changing experience. It can make your life better in many ways. It can expose you to new ways to solve problems. Remember to choose a mentor who has the traits of a good mentor and who has the time to devote to the experience. A mentor should be a person you would love to become in your near future or would consider or look at him as a role model.


find a mentor
Even if you have thousands or millions of dollars of revenue, a mentor would be helpful. It is important to know that, no matter where you are in your business, there is always room for improvement and the need for a sounding board. The advantage of having a mentor as that sounding board rather than an employee or co-founder is that they come with a perspective of the end consumer. When you work on something 24/7, you begin to lose touch with the thoughts of those who will actually be using the product. Having someone outside the company is a great way to get back in touch with that side without having to do testing or surveys.


find a mentor
While there will be specific times that you and your mentor set aside to chat, there could be times when you need to reach out and ask a question or want to make sure that you are headed in the right direction in the way that you’ve chosen to solve a problem. Your mentor should be someone who can respond to your emails, calls, or texts within a reasonable amount of time.


find a mentor
Mentorship is a deep relationship. To be fulfilling and helpful on both sides, the mentor must be committed to the process. Being committed means that they are prepared for each meeting that the two of you have. They believe in your abilities. They are also respectful of time. Likely, the two of you have decided on topics for each particular session. Your mentor should have thoughts ready to share regarding each topic.


find a mentor
When it comes to conversations, most people who are listening are busy mentally preparing an answer. But that isn’t really listening. They are probably going to miss something that is being said. Something that would change how they are thinking about answering. Your mentor should be engaged in what you are saying. They should be willing to ask clarifying questions when necessary before they respond to you.


find a mentor
While mentorship is a great way to gain support for your professional growth, it’s also important that your mentor can be objective. A mentorship isn’t about just praising you when you’re doing well, nor is it about only pointing out where you need to change. A mentorship should be an objective look at your professional life.


find a mentor
There’s no teacher quite like experience. If you are striving to set goals for your life, you should choose a mentor who sets and meets those goals. If you’re looking to improve your relationships as a lawyer you would want to choose an attorney who displays good interpersonal skills.


find a mentor
Your mentor should be genuinely interested in your growth and well-being. A mentorship isn’t solely about your professional life. It’s about the lives of two people intertwining so that one may gain experience from the other. For two people to develop this type of relationship, there must be a genuine interest. Maybe you and your mentor have some of the same friends. Maybe you have some of the same hobbies. Maybe the only thing that you have in common is that you attended the same law school. Regardless of what is shared between the two of you, your mentor must have a genuine interest in your growth as a whole person. So try to find a mentor who will try to make you a better person each and every day.


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