Tips To Improve Your Focus..

Focus, the state or quality of having or producing clear visual definition. Focus is the amount of time you can concentrate on a task without becoming distracted. Focus is a muscle that you can build if you work on it. Most psychologists agree that the ability to focus attention on a task is crucial for the achievement of one’s goals. These 7 steps will help you improve focus at home and at work:


improve focus
Physical activity helps in improving your attention and focus, as it releases chemicals in the brain that affect learning and memory. Even better than a cup of coffee, exercise can provide a short-term boost to your mental performance, making you smarter and making it easier to focus.


improve focus
Take some time to think, what tasks or assignments cause you the most worry and stress? These are most likely the most important things in your life. Once you do this and determine where you will dedicate your focus, you can break these important things down into smaller tasks which are easier to accomplish and will add up, moving you forward to the larger overall objective.


improve focus
Today’s society is built on a foundation of technology and the ability to be connected to everyone, everywhere all the time. According to a research, on an average an office worker checks his email thirty times in one hour. So, when sitting down to focus on a task, you can close all irrelevant tabs and settle in a quiet environment. If you are constantly getting text messages and Facebook notifications, set your phone aside.


improve focus
Multitasking is the enemy of focus. While most people will profess to have the ability to do multiple things at once, the scientific truth is that when attempting to accomplish multiple tasks simultaneously, none of the attempted tasks are completed at the highest level. Constant switching between tasks takes away from getting the other done. Let one task have your sole focus until its done. You will find yourself making more significant progress and feeling less stressed.


improve focus
The large tasks cannot be accomplished without the completion of several smaller steps. So in any instance when you feel like your focus is slipping away, determine what small steps you can take to move towards the overall goal. Accomplishing each step on the list, no matter how small, brings you closer to completing your overall objective. Making this type of thinking a habit will improve your focus in the future.


improve focus
The key for improving your focus is what you do when you reach your limit. Most people are unable to sustain attention on one thing for more than about 40 minutes at a time, so sooner or later, you will lose focus. But people who have great focus realize when they get off track and choose repeatedly to re focus on the same task. This ability to renew attention permits people to pay attention to things that last for more than a few minutes, such as long movies.


improve focus
Before starting a task, calm your brain. Take a minute or two to sit in a comfortable position and breathe deeply into your stomach. Let your body calm down before you approach your work. You’ll soon realize that it really helps you in increasing your concentration. To improve focus the first thing you should do is to make up your mind and then work hard to get the task done.


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