How To Complete A Task That You Don’t Want To Do

Life would be grand if we only did what our heart wanted to do, each moment of the day. All the hard tasks including difficult conversations, difficult situations would never get done. The best books would never be written. All the achievements of humankind would be imagined, not realized. So what should we do if we’re facing a task we don’t want to do? Well, we can run around and can find distractions. Task management is a very difficult task to do, no doubt about that but staying motivated and passionate is the key. You learn more from failure than from success. Don’t let it stop you. Always remember failure builds character. Here are few ways mentioned which will help you in completing a task that you don’t want to do:


task management
As a human we all are caught up with the results of the task. What will happen if you do it? What failure might result? Forget about the result. You can’t know what it will be anyway. That’s in the future. For now, focus on your intention, always remember why you’re doing it. If it’s to make the life of a loved one better, then that’s your intention. That intention is true no matter what the result is. Focus on this, not what bad things might or might not happen.


task management
Instead of giving in to distraction, sit there for a minute. Why do you need to do this task you don’t want to do? Sure, because it’s on your to do list, or because someone else wants you to do it. Or you’re getting paid for it, or someone’s got to do it. But why? What will this task help accomplish? Who is it helping? Dig deeper and find the good that you’re creating in the world. If you’re a dishwasher, you might not think getting dirty dishes clean matters, but those dishes are required to serve food, and the food nourishes people and it can make them happy and then they can go out and do something good in the world with a smile on their face.


task management
There are a lot of times when we want to do so many things but the thing that’s stopping you from doing the task or wanting to do it is fear. You fear failure or looking bad, you fear the discomfort or confusion of the task. So take a moment to look inward and see this fear. Feel it. Accept it as part of you, instead of running from it. And after accepting it never look back just stay focused and look on all positives and it will help you to do the task.


task management
If this fear were gone, you could just do the task easily. So what is causing the fear? Some ideal you have, some fantasy about life being free of discomfort, confusion, embarrassment, imperfection. That’s not reality, just fantasy, and it’s getting in your way by causing fear. So let go of the fantasy, the ideal, the expectation. And just embrace reality: this task before you, nothing else.


task management
If you’re working on something that’s going to take a long time, and you have the urge to try to rush, or to feel impatient, pretend you’re in jail. If you’re in jail, you have all the time in the world. You have no reason to hurry, no reason to cut corners or to try to do too many things at once. You can slow down, concentrate. You can take the time to get every single detail right.


task management
Instead of giving yourself pep talks, and encouraging yourself to do something you hate, why not change the task to make it more enjoyable. If you hate a chore less, you’ll be more motivated to do it. For example, some people hate shopping. They see shopping as a massive chore that needs to be done quickly, efficiently, and generally got out of the way. Often shopping haters will go alone, rush through the process, and head home grumbling about the crowds. People who enjoy shopping do it entirely differently. They make it into a social occasion, hook up with friends and spend a whole day picking items, talking to retail assistants, and stopping for coffee, snacks, lunch and chats in-between. The whole experience is about pampering and socializing. If shopping haters did their shopping like that, they’d probably enjoy it too.


task management
You can turn any task that repels you into one which compels you by looking at what it means in the grand scheme of things, or seeing what it gives you personally. People who love doing their taxes may enjoy it because they remember that it means they’re in charge of their finances. They connect it with a sense of freedom and being in control, rather than just seeing it as working with numbers. Other people feel great satisfaction by focusing on what doing the task will do for them when it’s over. Even if you don’t really like the process, you can enjoy what doing a task means about you, as well. Connect with the parts of the task that give you personal satisfaction.


task management
Whenever you don’t feel like doing a task try to make it interesting. Take the example of children. Children have a vivid imagination and a great sense of playfulness that helps prevent them being bored. Adults have this sense of playfulness, too but often its buried under seriousness, responsibilities and self-consciousness. Actually letting your playful nature come out can make a dull task into an exciting adventure. Next time you are struck in such condition try to make the task more playful. It might sound silly but scientific studies show that adults who allow themselves to be playful suffer less from depression and are physically healthier and are more satisfied with life overall.


task management
Tasks are at times very challenging, we find it hard to enjoy them. If you find that you don’t get satisfaction from completing a task, but are merely relieved to get it done, maybe you need to build up resources so that you struggle with it less. Look at what you could learn or improve, so that it is easier for you to complete a certain chore. Sometimes we’re put off by tasks because they seem too long-winded. Setting tasks up in a special way can make them seem less laborious. And on the way you can learn task management as well which will then help you to make you more happier or satisfied about the task.


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