10 Life Changing Skills You Can Learn Online For Free

We often blame internet for many ills that it has brought into our lives including making us dumber, fatter, and ruining our sleep cycles. But it has the capacity to make you learn many useful skills too. With the infinite resources the web provides, it’s not terribly difficult to find websites that will teach you new and interesting skills. Do not worry if you don’t have extra bucks to pay a private tutor, because what he is going to teach you, you can already buffer it from internet. We’ve collected the top 10 life-learning skills you can learn online, where to learn them, and what you can expect from them. Enjoy, and hope it helps you.


A lot of people around the world can only speak a maximum of two languages. Your natural language is important, but learning a new language can take you places. Strategically learning additional foreign languages can help you land a better gig than you currently have. Many world leaders and entrepreneurs that travel a lot always seek a personal assistant that understands the language of the country they’re visiting. Many tourist guides are required to learn more than one language, if you are interested in any of this then buckle up and start learning today.


This is one of the hottest trends in the world today. By learning web and/or mobile application development online for free or through cheap eBooks, you will gain a valuable skill that can change your financial status. many individuals and businesses are constantly in search of good web developers to build or maintain their websites, web applications, or mobile applications. There is a hot need to search for the web and app developers so if you want to be one of them start learning skills that can help you in such a case.


Just like web and mobile development, photography and videography is another fast growing industry. There is the new trend of hiring professional photographers for any event like wedding or birthdays. When you’re pretty darn good at what you do, you can showcase your work on social media and make your way in the world of photography.


Growing vegetables and fruits may seem a very hard to do task but internet has even made this easy for you. Do not worry if you don’t have the skills or experience to grow your own garden, you can find free tutorials on the internet to guide you from sowing to harvesting. You can learn about many species of plants and can find out what is suitable for you garden to grow.


Even the famous singers have the stage fright, in this case you are not so alone. Do not fear no more when you hear to speak in front of people, because you can actually start learning skills to overcome your fear for public speaking.  Once you learn a few tricks of the trade, you’ll be able to go into situations like being asked to present at a company meeting or giving a presentation in class without nearly as much fear and loathing.


The only thing more delicious than a beer you went out and bought, is a beer that came from your own stained hands. Yes you can actually brew beer in your garage or in your backyard but of course if it is legal in your state! Check out the free tutorials and brew it your way!


If you are attempting to be a fully functional adult, you should learn to cook a decent meal or two. Want to know the recipe of your favorite steak, you just need to check it on the internet. You can get free online guides that can prepare you to be up to the standards of the professional chefs. May be someday you can also start your own tutorials or You tube channel.


It’s perfect for beginners just getting started in meditation or anyone that wants to distress after a long day. You can choose from multiple background sounds to meditation guides, and have someone guide you through a meditation practice. You can take as many online classes as much you want and when you become a pro at it you can start making your own videos too.


If you are the kind of person that likes to argue with people, even if you know for a fact that you are 100% wrong then there are many websites that will teach you the tricks to win an argument even if you have no right to win. Also, if you are loosing in an arguments the tricks might come in handy.


Want to build a site for your startup? Want to build the next big app? Perhaps no other skill you can learn for free online has as much potential to lead to a lucrative career than to learn how to code. Even Harvard offer it’s course online for free. Start learning skills of coding and the opportunities will make their way up to you.


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