Did You Kow...? "FACTS" Part - 2

1. In 1889, the Queen of Italy, Margherita Savoy, ordered the first pizza delivery.

2. It's considered rude to write in red ink in Portugal.

3. A cat's tail contains nearly 10 percent of all the bones in its body.

4. Gecko feet have millions of tiny hairs that stick to surfaces with a special chemical bond and let them climb walls and hang on by just one toe.

5. The Nile crocodile can hold its breath underwater for up to 2 hours while waiting for prey.

6. Because the speed of Earth's rotation changes over time, a day in the age of dinosaurs was just 23 hours long.

7. Hummingbirds' wings can beat 200 times a second.

8. A seahorse can move its eyes in opposite directions—all the better to scan the water for food and predators.

9. Less than 1 percent of Antarctica is ice-free.

10. The highest wave ever surfed was as tall as a 10-story building.


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