
Showing posts from August, 2017

If You're Lazy Then This Auto Thrusting Hydraulic Sex Machine will help you to Having sex. MUST WATCH

When you’re ten years into a marriage, being lazy lovers is pretty standard practice. Passions have dwindled, commitments have increased, all you want to do after a hard day’s work is go to bed. But it’s not always the healthiest thing to do if you want to keep your marriage, well, a marriage. But how do you change things? Well, help is at hand in the form of a device called the auto-thrusting hydraulic girdle. Yes it sounds ridiculous, but yes it might also help if you and your partner have become lazy lovers. Trouble is it’s also entirely fictional. Because it’s actually a made up device from online comedians The Kloons’ latest sketch video. It’s titled Lazy Lovers just so we all know who it’s aimed at, and takes the form of a mock informercial (mockformercial?). Anyway, it’s for lovers who still want to make the beast with two backs, but are just too damn tired to get it on. How Can This Device Help Lazy Lovers? So, instead of putting the work in yourself, you and

Top 10 Sex Positions You Must Try With Your Partner & Your Partner will Love It

Sex Week survey revealed Brits' favourite sex position is Missionary In Day Two of our Summer Sex Week we aim to get the country back to its bonking best. So move aside Missionary, we’re putting our thrust in raunchier moves including the Flying Roly-Poly and Erotic Accordion. Here, LYNSEY CLARKE reveals some exciting positions – demonstrated by models Tommy and Hannah – and rates them out of ten on our Top Trumps-style cards . . . 1. Erotic Accordion He lies on his back, legs raised and bent. She squats over him with her legs outside his thighs while his calves thread under her armpits. 2. Doggy He kneels behind her, hands on her buttocks. She is in front on all fours, supporting herself on her hands and knees. 3. Snow Angel She lies back, legs in a table top position and ankles on his shoulders. He is on his knees and elbows. 4. Mermaid He adopts a semi reverse plank position, facing upwards. She mirrors his position just above

Most People Are Having Sex In The Morning And I'm Honestly Confused

When it comes to ~sexytimes~ there really isn't a right or wrong time during the day to go at it. Sometimes it just happens. However, according to a survey conducted by UK beauty retailer   Superdrug , there does seem to be a more popular time for couples to get it on throughout the week. Superdrug surveyed 2,000 people to find the 10 most and least popular times during the week for couples in the UK to have sex, and they found the most popular time was 9 a.m. on Sunday morning. I mean, morning sex isn't uncommon but that seems pretty damn early to get your freak on, right? The rest of the top 10 most popular times to have sex breaks down like this: * Sunday at 9 a.m. * Saturday at 10:30 p.m. * Saturday at 11:30 p.m. * Friday at 10:30 p.m. * Saturday at 10:30 a.m. * Saturday at 11:30 a.m. * Friday at 10:30 a.m. * Saturday at 11:15 p.m. * Saturday at 9:30 p.m. * Sunday at 9:30 p.m. What's the least popular time to do the do?

Top 10 Billionaires of Asia.

Recently, Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon became the richest person in the world for a very brief period of time. Jeff Bezos took over Bill Gates with the net worth of $90.6 billion, but it didn’t last long. Microsoft founder Bill Gates became the richest man in the world once again. This happened because of the fluctuations in the market. The popular magazine Forbes updates the list of billionaires in real time, which led to Jeff becoming the richest man in the world for few hours. When Amazon’s shares cool down, Jeff again comes to the second place. Now, we are going to look into the Top 10 Asian Billionaires who have combined worth of $295 Billion. Top 10 Asian Billionaires 1. Jack Ma: Net Worth- $38.3 billion The founder and executive chairman of Alibaba Group, Jack Ma took 18 th  place on the Forbes list of top billionaires. His net worth grows by $706 million over the last month, which allowed him to regain the richest man in Asia title. 2. Ma Huateng: Net Worth-

Someone Hacked Selena Gomez's Instagram And Posted Justin Bieber's Nudes

There was time when everyone use to go ‘Awwww!’ when people use to spot Selena Gomez and Justin Beiber together. Their relationship were never the stable one. It was always on-off thing. Selena and Justin broke millions of hearts when they finally announced their separation back in 2016. A piece of news just came in which states that some obsessive fans of Selena Gomez hacked her instagram account. This is not it. Hacker also posted Justin Bieber’s nude picture. When actress got to know about this incident, her Instagram account was taken down briefly. Hacker posted the stills of Selena-Justin’s 2015 Bora Bora vacation. Now everything is resolved and Selena got access to her Instagram account. Selena is considered as one of the most followed celebrity on social medias. She got over 125 million followers. Bieber told Access Hollywood at the time that he was not happy about the invasion of privacy. “My first thing was like…how can they do this? Like, I feel super violated

12 honest reasons why girls choose bad boys over nice guys.

Girls choose bad boys over nice guys because of certain reasons. If you’re a nice guy and wants a girl to like you then change the following things you have in yourself. So, let’s get into the 12 brutally honest reasons why girls choose bad boys over nice guys. 1. Nice guys’ personalities don’t seem genuine In this cruel and ignorant world, people are not used to kind behavior which makes nice guys bit different from the rest. Their unusual conduct becomes one of the reasons because of which girls find them unattractive. 2. Nice guys don’t have self-respect Nice guys sacrifice their self-respect in order to earn girls’ hearts. But this is where they get it wrong. No one values a person who doesn’t value himself. Bad boys always prioritize their self-respect over girls which bring them upright and makes girls choose them. 3. They’re so predictable, which is boring! Nice guys always keep it sweet and simple which is a reason of their boring personality while bad boy

Know how the images you upload on social media reveal a lot of things about you!

You may have seen a certain type of people who upload the same kind of photos, it can either be their own photos or some depressed and motivational quotes. Nowadays everybody has a social media account and they love to express their feelings. A research shows that social media has helped people in getting out of depression by keeping them engaged. But do you know that it’s easy for people to know the things about you just by looking at the trend of photos you upload? Know how the images you upload on social media reveal a lot of things about you! 1. Too many selfies Posting too many selfies on social media indicates that you crave for attention and need recognition. You have a strong desire to be in the spotlight. Always know that likes on your DP don’t make you a famous person. 2. Group pics It means that you have a lot of friends and you want people to know that you always hang out and enjoy with your friends. It also shows that you have an awesome life bu